Catalogue of Lakes in the Russian, Finnish and Norwegian Border Area = [Каталог озер в приграничном районе России, Финляндии и Норвегии] / Nikolay A. Kashulin, Vladimir A. Dauvalter, Sergey S. Sandimirov etc. - Apatity : Institute of the North Industrial Ecology Problems KSC RAS etc., 2008. - 141 с. : ил., табл.
Fig. 76. Distribution offish species in Lake Suovaselkajarvi. Fig. 77. Size and weight distribu tion of the sparsely rakered whitefish in Lake Suovaselkajarvi. Sparsely rakered whitefish occur in the lake (up to 30 gill rakers). Its mean length is 33.9 cm, and mean weight 563 g. Fish with a weight of 500-700 g and length of34-36 cm are the most nu merous (Fig. 77). The maximum weight and length of whitefish at the age of 5 yea tively. Specimens of younger age groups are occasionally caught. The bulk of the population consists of 5-year-old fish (Fig. 78). The low numbers of whitefish and their high growth rates suggest that they have been artificially introduced into the lake. The number of females is half that of males. (1:2). 2-year-old fish have mature gonads, and their weight and length is 110 g and 21.0 cm, respectively. This may also be due to their artificial origin. pike 1.3 whitefish 7.7 perch 91.0 200 400 600 Weight, g 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 Length, cm > 3 Fig. 78. Age distribution of the sparsely rakered whitefish in Lake Suovaselkajarvi. Pike is represented by single specimens. The weight and length of 6-year-old fish can reach 598 g and 45.5 cm, respectively. Despite being the dominant fish species in the lake, the perch are relatively small: average weight 137 g and average length 21.4 cm. The bulk of the population consists of fish with a weight 100-150 g and length of 20-22 cm (Fig. 79). The maximum weight at the age of 8 years does not exceed 277 g, and the maximum length 26.8 cm. In the sex distribution males pre dominate (1:1.3). 132 Catalogue o f Lakes in the Russian, Finnish and Norwegian BorderArea
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