Боровичев Е.А. Международная научно-практическая конференция "Использование современных информационных технологий в ботанических исследованиях". Апатиты, Мурманская область, 28-31 марта 2017г.: Тезисы докладов. Апатиты, 2017.
International Conference «The use o fmodern information technologies in botanical investigations» (Apatity, March, 28-31, 2017) Addendum pick list An element added to the taxon name to indicate a concept or citation for that name (s.l., s.str.) Determined date date Date the object was de termined. Determiner pick list Name of determiner; records are stored in the Agent table. Agent table Type status pick list A pick list of all availa ble type designations: Holotype, Paratype, Neotype etc. Morphological description text Morphological descrip tion made during collec tion and/or determina tion of the specimen, linked to a particular determination event. The collection is gradually growing and is open to prospective users such as taxonomists interested in work with a particular group of fungi repre sented in the region. For this purpose, an online database of the collection was launched in 2016 in Specify 7 software hosted on the Yugra State University server. The online database has open access through a guest username (ugrabiodb) and password (ugrabiodb) (available at http://bio.ugrasu.ru/). It is crucial to continue the development of the Fungarium database and for this purpose we set the following objectives: 1) development of the taxo- nomical tree (currently manual) based on the Index Fungorum database; 2) im provement of an online interface of database search in Specify 7 for guest us ers; 3) improvement of animage storage/browsing system, as images are an essential part of fungal collections; 4) possible connection to GBIF for import of data from the YSU Fungarium database to the global database. References Hawksworth D.L. Funga and fungarium // IMA Fungus. 2010. V. 1. № 1. P. 9-10. Fungarium of Yugra State University Web site. URL: https://fungariumysu.org. 141
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