Боровичев Е.А. Международная научно-практическая конференция "Использование современных информационных технологий в ботанических исследованиях". Апатиты, Мурманская область, 28-31 марта 2017г.: Тезисы докладов. Апатиты, 2017.

М е ж д у н а р о д н а я н а у ч н о - п р а к т и ч е с к а я к о н ф е р е н ц и я « И с п о л ь з о в а н и е с о в р е м е н н ы х и н ф о р м а ц и о н н ы х т е х н о л о г и й в б о т а н и ч е с к и х и с с л е д о в а н и я х » ( А п а т и т ы , 28-31 м а р т а 2017) ject citations |______________ | Collection Object.______ |_____ table Collecting event table Collection method pick list A method, which is used to obtain the spec­ imen (such as lens ob­ servations, permanent plot, random walk, sub­ strate cultivation, wet chambers). Collection date date The date of collecting event. Locality string The name of the loca­ tion where a specimen was collected or ob­ served. Geography tree Vegetation type text Vegetation and habitat where specimen was collected. Collectors pick list Collectors. Agent table Substrate pick list Substrate where speci­ men was collected (bark, berry, branch, burnt soil, etc. - totally 36 substrate types) Substrate re­ marks text The descriptive charac­ teristics of the substrate. Host plant pick list The host plant where the fungus was collected. Taxon tree of Plants Determination table Taxon pick list The determined name of the specimen. Taxon tree of Fungi Qualifier pick list A term to qualify the identification of the taxon name when doubts have arisen as to its identity or as a com­ parison to a given name (e.g. "cf." or "aff."). 140