Боровичев Е.А. Международная научно-практическая конференция "Использование современных информационных технологий в ботанических исследованиях". Апатиты, Мурманская область, 28-31 марта 2017г.: Тезисы докладов. Апатиты, 2017.

International Conference «The use o fmodern information technologies in botanical investigations» (Apatity, March, 28-31, 2017) Database elements are developed according to the recommended stand­ ards (Farr & Farr, 2004) and include: (Table). Table. An example of fields format in main tables of the YSU Fungarium database Field Format Description (from Specify 6 with addi­ tions) Link to related tables Collection object table Catalog num­ ber 5 digits, non­ incremented The number that identi­ fies an individual spec­ imen. Accession number 5 digits, non­ incremented A consignment of spec­ imens acquired either by field collecting of staff members, gifts, pur­ chases, or exchange with another institution. Alternative catalog num­ bers string Alt. catalog numbers in other collections, sepa­ rated by commas. Cataloger pick list Name of cataloger; cata­ loger records are stored in the Agent table. Agent table Cataloged date date Date the object was cat­ aloged. Preparations pick list Preparation information describes the type of stored specimens and their number and status (loaned or not). Preparation table Attachments Collection ob- any attached files pick list An attachment for a collection object (mac­ ro- and microphoto­ graphs, measurements files, etc.). Refers to a citation for a Attachment table and at­ tached files Reference work 139