Боровичев Е.А. Международная научно-практическая конференция "Использование современных информационных технологий в ботанических исследованиях". Апатиты, Мурманская область, 28-31 марта 2017г.: Тезисы докладов. Апатиты, 2017.
cial subdivision within the university and is currently a project of the Environ mental Dynamics and global Climate Change department (EDCC). The collection was started as part of the biodiversity study program of EDCC YSU and a PhD work of one of its staff members. It was later supple mented by collections of several mycologists working in the area. The majority of specimens in the collection were collected by N. Filippova and T. Bulyonkova. A total of 17 specialists took part in specimen identification through direct work in the Fungarium, in other laboratories with loaned materi al, or through discussions on mycological forums in the Internet. The main purpose of the Fungarium is to initiate and facilitate systemat ic studies of fungi of the taiga zone of Western Siberia. It also serves for educa tion and can be used by specialists in different applied disciplines. Specimens in the collection are accumulated by direct observation and extraction of fruiting structures of fungi. There are two major approaches: ob servation and collection of fruiting structures of larger fungi (macromycetes) by naked eye, and lens observations of substrates followed by extraction of smaller fruiting structures of discomycetes, hyphomycetes, pyrenomycetes etc. (Wu et al., 2004). Fruitbodies of larger fungi are photographed and their growing con ditions are described in the field, extracted from the substrate and packed in aluminium foil to be processed in the laboratory later on the day of collection. Macro-morphological features of fruitbodies are described according to schemes required for specific systematic groups. Spore prints are obtained when the number of sporocarps is sufficient. Fruitbodies are dried after pro cessing in a drying oven under 50 °C and stored as exsiccata in Ziploc plastic bags and marked Kraftpaper envelopes. About a third of the collection specimens has been cited in one to four publications. A total of 120 publications were prepared using the specimens of Fungarium, including journal papers (14), descriptions in the Red Book of Khanty-Mansiautonomous District (11 species) and publications of specimens on Internet mycological sites. The database of YSU Fungarium is developed using Specify 6 software and its web version, Specify 7 (http://specifyx.specifysoftware.org/). Currently the database holds 4443 collection objects, 11588 preparations, and 3 Type specimens (1 isotype, 1 holotype and 1 paratype). Preparations stored in the database include: dried cultures - 3, dried specimens - 3975, drawings - 111, macrophotographsin situ - 974, macrophotographsin studio - 3151, measuring data - 361, microphotographs under stereo lens - 1126, microphotographs un der transmitted light microscope - 1737, habitat images - 74. М е ж д у н а р о д н а я н а у ч н о - п р а к т и ч е с к а я к о н ф е р е н ц и я « И с п о л ь з о в а н и е с о в р е м е н н ы х и н ф о р м а ц и о н н ы х т е х н о л о г и й в б о т а н и ч е с к и х и с с л е д о в а н и я х » ( А п а т и т ы , 28-31 м а р т а 2017) 138
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