Environmental report strategic environmental assessment of the Russian territory CBC Kolarctic 2021-2027 / V. A. Masloboev, E. M. Klyuchnikova, E. A. Borovichev [et al.]. - Apatity : FRS KSCRAS, 2022. - 62 p.

INTRODUCTION The Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Kolarctic for the period 2021-2027 (hereinafter referred to as the Programme) is implemented in the northern border regions o f Russia, Finland, Sweden and Nom ay and is aimed at promoting their socio-economic development through co-financing o f joint projects. Environmental protection was an important priority of the Programme during the programming periods 2007-2013 and 2014-2020, its scope ranged from joint solutions to existing environmental challenges to research on preventive measures in connection with global climate change. The special attention is also given to the environmental topic in the new programming period 2021-2027. The European Commission has prioritized it as mandatory for all CBC Programmes. The Kolarctic CBC Programming Committee consisting of delegations from participating countries has also unanimously selected the environment as one o f the key topics for the new programming period. The term “environment” is considered by the Programme in a broad context and is not limited to ecology, although it is given significant attention in the report. The environmental components o f the Programme also include the social and economic environment1. According to the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council No. 2001/42 of 27.06.2001 on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment2, before the start of a new programme cycle. CBC programmes are required to examine the current state of the environment in the programme area and its socio-economic profile. Based on the information collected, as well as taking into account the plans of the Programme itself, an assessment of the environmental impact that may result from the implementation of the Programme should also be carried out. A strategic environmental assessment is an assessment o f likely environmental, social and economic consequences o f a planned activity in a certain area, including the preparation of the assessment results (Environmental report) and ensuring active public involvement in the discussion of the report in order to take into account all opinions and recommendations. Why does impact assessment have a presumable character? This is due to the fact that at the stage o f the Programme development and preparation it is impossible to reliably know which projects, and therefore what kind o f activities will be financed and implemented in the programme area. At the same time, it is recommended to carry out a strategic assessment at the initial stage of the planned programming activities in order to foresee possible risks, as well as to enhance the possible positive effect of the future Programme, identifying new points o f growth for local communities. 1https://ec.europa.eu/environment/archives/eia/pdf/030923_sea_guidance.pdf pg. 23: 5.1 “The environmental report is the central part of the environmental assessment required by the Directive”. 5.5 “The environmental report might in many cases be a part of a wider assessment of the plan or programme. It could, for example, be part of a document on sustainability assessment covering also social and economic effects, or a sustainability assessment could be integrated in the plan or programme.” 2https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32001L0042&from=EN 5