Environmental report strategic environmental assessment of the Russian territory CBC Kolarctic 2021-2027 / V. A. Masloboev, E. M. Klyuchnikova, E. A. Borovichev [et al.]. - Apatity : FRS KSCRAS, 2022. - 62 p.

Атех continued Social and economic impact of public events is undeniably positive. To be sure that environmental impact is also beneficial, special preventive measures are to be implemented with on-going monitoring and, if needed, correction of approaches Focus on remote rural areas involvement and development increases resilience of northern communities and facilitates more hannonized social and economic development in the Kolarctic Proposed activities have a positive social and economic impact Potential environmental impact can be estimated as neutral or positive in case, e. g. of youth involvement into nature protection activities гл To secure regional and local authorities’ support, it is recommended to present and discuss the planned events on the early stage for their inclusion into relevant action plans and support programmes. Special attention should be given to preventive health measures, if pandemic tlireats will stay Well established cooperation in the Barents region and previous generations of cross-border programmes build a favourable preconditions for renewed joint activities during the next programming |x'n<xl. It's recommended to involve into cooperation new actors, people and organizations, especially in remote rural areas Knhanced cooperation of social and educational institutions, employment agencies and involvement of relevant NGOs and public authorities will form a gwd ground for well-working solutions сч Public events drastically decreased because of COVID-19 pandemic. Their gradual revival is important for development of cooperation and good neighbour relations between regions and countries Tourism, education, culture and some other spheres arc deeply dependent 011 communication and experience exchange. Travel and other restrictions during the pandemic helped to explore digital communication formats. Nevertheless, face-to-face meetings are highly demanded and anticipated in the whole Kolarctic area Regional demographic challenges shared by neighbouringKolarctic countries demand joint solutions and adequate response measures, especially during and after pandemic - Organization of interregional cultural and sport events (festivals, competitions, etc.), including events for children and youth Trainings and best practices exchange for professionals and students in the fields of tourism and hospitality, culture, archeology and other fields of mutual interest Multisectoral solutions for e.g. enhancing local livelihoods, combating youth marginalisation 61