Environmental report strategic environmental assessment of the Russian territory CBC Kolarctic 2021-2027 / V. A. Masloboev, E. M. Klyuchnikova, E. A. Borovichev [et al.]. - Apatity : FRS KSCRAS, 2022. - 62 p.
Annex continued tillc developments applied frastnicture projects at local al level enable better, cleaner attainable use of water irctic silt ill! г'6 •г? Jjjj S '- s о •3 S '51 S Ui Ililf Green infr: positive ec effects thn with due ci functions To secure implementation of planned activities and use of their results, involvement of relevant public authorities and water supply and treatment companies is a prerequisite for projects planning and implementation includes infrastructure projects: - reconstruction of water treatment systems and facilities in settlements - renewal of wom-out pipes - reconstruction of water pumping stations, etc. Potential use options of green infrastructure are very wide. To find the most appropriate solutions feasible for Arctic regions, scoping research, capacity-building activities for interested stakeholders and piloting projects are much recommended. Practical landscaping activities focus on local species, phytosanitary safety, support for local nurseries and arboretums, creation and development of new plant nurseries, mass campaigns for landscaping courtyards, environmental actions (N Water security and availability is an integrated part of all current major challenges and is a pervasive enabling element in all sectors of modem society. 75% of jobs depend on water and water crises rank among the top 5 global risks in terms of impact1 Green infrastructure is distinguished by its multifunctionality, i.e. ability to perfonn several functions and provide several benefits on the same spatial area. These functions can be environmental, such as conserving biodiversity or adapting to climate change, social, such as providing water drainage or green space, and economic, such as supplying jobs and raising property prices2 - Creation and reconstruction of eco-efficient water infrastructure Enhancing green infrastructure potential in urban and rural areas i i м g 11 % a 55
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