Environmental report strategic environmental assessment of the Russian territory CBC Kolarctic 2021-2027 / V. A. Masloboev, E. M. Klyuchnikova, E. A. Borovichev [et al.]. - Apatity : FRS KSCRAS, 2022. - 62 p.
document presents Programme indicators that systematize information not only on the overall project results, but also demonstrate positive achievements in the environmental field (for example, the area in km2of water and land covered by environmental measures). The choice of relevant indicators is an underlying component o f monitoring. The following Common Output and Result Indicators suggested for the next KolarcticProgramme can contribute to the environmental protection and minimizing o f environmental risks1: -p ilo t actions developed jointly and implemented in projects: -solutions taken up or up-scaled by organizationsities; -strategies and action plans jointly developed; -specific indicators for green infrastructure or rehabilitated land areas; -investments in new or upgraded disaster monitoring, preparedness, warning and response systems against natural disasters2. When it comes to potential environmental impact assessment, the suggested indicators will be especially relevant within the Policy Objective 2. Considering that the environmental protection is one o f the Programme priorities, the Consortium recommends to develop and use additional “green indicators” as a voluntary initiative, for example: -num ber o f activities aimed at nature protection; -num ber o f research publications on ecology, biodiversity, etc.; -num ber o f implemented innovative solutions for environmental protection (including the number o f successful and failed validations o f new methods); -number of educational courses/modules/programmes on ecology and environmental awareness raising. By planning project activities, applicants are also recommended to be guided by programme documents, national and international legal acts in the field of environmental protection, as well as the results of strategic assessments carried out by the Russian and Swedish Consortia. In cases where project activities include construction of facilities and/or a significant impact on the environment, it is recommended to conduct an environmental audit/review before the project start, during the implementation of the project and in the post-completion phase3. The development o f a Stakeholder Engagement Plan can also contribute to minimization o f environmental risks, as it obliges to take into account the views and requests of environmental organizations and the local population. The Plan is a living document and is subject to regular updates. When preparing a project application, it is necessary to consider and describe measures for the sustainability o f the project deliverables after the end o f its co-financing. The importance of systematic, continuous monitoring at the project and programme level during all implementation stages should be emphasized. Upon projects' completion, it is recommended to conduct a final evaluation of the programme, taking into account the collected environmental indicators and the development of relevant recommendations. 1The list is to be updated in accordance with the latest version ofthe joint programme document Presentation on indicators 2021-2027 (draft version as o f 15.07.2021) '3.1.4 Monitoring of Transboundary Effects of the Implementation of Plans or Programmes: “Article 7 of the Espoo Convention provides for a voluntary procedure for carrying out post-project analysis...” 34
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