Environmental report strategic environmental assessment of the Russian territory CBC Kolarctic 2021-2027 / V. A. Masloboev, E. M. Klyuchnikova, E. A. Borovichev [et al.]. - Apatity : FRS KSCRAS, 2022. - 62 p.

reconstruction o f worn-out storm sewers, establishing bike paths and walking paths within green areas, which could become an organic part o f green infrastructure on the one hand, and, on the other hand, serve as recreation destinations for local residents. The Russian programme area has a network o f national parks, specially protected natural areas and reserves. Given that natural ecosystems do not follow national borders, the development of green corridors (greenways) between the participating countries can help to connect fragmented ecosystems, which will contribute to the conservation o f flora and fauna, genetic diversity, and will also prevent environmental degradation. Additionally, promising areas for the development o f green infrastructure for the entire programme region can be: -creation o f an educational platform in the field o f green infrastructure and urban development in the arctic conditions, as well as events for the exchange of experience and knowledge; -establishment o f green water management systems; -establishment of floodplain forests and plantation strips to combat flood events; -study and selection of the optimal composition o f green roofs and walls adapted to northern climatic conditions; -establishment of “educational landscapes”, creation and use o f green territories, gardens and vegetable patches near kindergartens, schools, universities in the educational process; -stu d y o f the urban heat island effect on the health o f residents and development o f recommendations to reduce this negative impact; -study ing the positive economic effects o f urban green infrastructure. The green infrastructure topic contributes to the implementation of Russian legislation and regional initiatives in this area. Also, the EU legislation includes approaches1 intersecting with the Russian ones. This kind o f synergy, as well as the choice o f the Programme in favor o f green infrastructure development2, can have a positive effect on provision o f a safe and ecologically clean living environment for the residents of the entire programme area. ‘REGULATION (EU) 2021/1058 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 24 June 2021 on the European Regional Development Fund and on the Cohesion Fund: article 1, annex I 2-Joint Operational Programme 2021-2027 (draft versions 15.07.2021). Specific objective 7: “Enhancing protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reducing all forms o f pollution” 26