Environmental report strategic environmental assessment of the Russian territory CBC Kolarctic 2021-2027 / V. A. Masloboev, E. M. Klyuchnikova, E. A. Borovichev [et al.]. - Apatity : FRS KSCRAS, 2022. - 62 p.

C H A P T E R 8. G R E EN IN FR A S T R U C TU R E IN TH E RU SS IAN P R O G R A M M E A R EA The goal of creating green infrastructure is minimizing the negative impact on the environment and restoring damaged ecosystems in both rural and urban areas'. Attention to green infrastructure is given in the development strategies of the Russian programme area2. Green infrastructure, as a strategically planned network o f natural and semi-natural areas, meets the tasks o f preserving biodiversity, improving air quality, facilitating adaptation to climate change, ensuring environmentally balanced use of water resources and soils3. Smart and thoroughly designed green spaces increase the quality of the urban environment, improve human health and life quality of citizens and contribute to the development of the local economy and social sphere. Most of the residential communities in the Russian programme area were built and developed based on the “garden city” concept, therefore, they have carefully planned green spaces, dust and noise protection belts along city roads, embankments, parks, squares and city forests on their territory. However, the rapid pace o f urbanization, too compact housing and real estate development, sharp increase of private cars and public urban transport have led to a decline in green building. Special landscaping departments ceased to exist, the influx of professionals in green construction working for public utility companies has dried up. Urban parks, squares and public places need qualified restoration and systematic planning, taking into account contemporary approaches to their spatial organizing. Establishment of a comfortable and safe urban environment is included in the list of national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 20304. This goal provides for the involvement of regional and local authorities, business representatives and the general public in reconstruction, planning and creation of green infrastructure. For example, programmes are being implemented to create a comfortable urban environment in MR5, AR6, NAD . In order to maximize the involvement of regional population in the decision-making on urban environment and green infrastructure, regional authorities have launched websites to collect feedback and suggestions from the residents84 10. Examples of green infrastructure and other concepts’ implementation can be tracked on these websites by comparing “before" and “after” pictures. The popular ideas in the green infrastructure development in the Russian programme area are landscaping, solving the problems o f water flooding in urban areas, replanning and 'Restoration priorities and strategies Restoration to protect biodiversity and enhance Green Infrastructure: Nordic examples of priorities and needs for strategic solutions :NADt: 2.3. Goals and objectives of socio-economic development in NAD: 2.3 Goals and objectives of socio-economic development 3https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detaiL-/publication'738d80bb-7d1 0-47bc-b131-ba8110e7c2d6 4http://government.ru/rugovclassifier/846/events/ 5https://gov-murman.ru/info/gorsreda/ 6https://dvinaland.ru/gov/city_comfortable_environment/ 7https://gkh.adm-nao.ru/formirovanie-komfortnoj-gorodskoj-sredy/ *https://51 .gorodsreda.ru/voting/ 9https://29.gorodsreda.ru/ 1 0https://83. gorodsreda.ru/ 25