Environmental report strategic environmental assessment of the Russian territory CBC Kolarctic 2021-2027 / V. A. Masloboev, E. M. Klyuchnikova, E. A. Borovichev [et al.]. - Apatity : FRS KSCRAS, 2022. - 62 p.
To provide a mechanism for combating climate change at the global level, the Paris Agreement was adopted1, it was signed by the Russian Federation in 20162. In accordance with the Agreement, the Ministry o f Economic Development o f the Russian Federation has developed a draft Strategy for the socio-economic development o f the Russian Federation with a low level o f greenhouse gas emissions until 20503, which is pending approval by the Government o f the Russian Federation. The main directions of the Strategy implementation are: -improving energy efficiency; -preserving and increasing the absorption capacity o f forests, soils and other natural carbon sinks; -conducting applied and exploratory research in the field o f low greenhouse gas emissions. The indicators o f the achievement o f strategic goals are: -reduction in greenhouse gas emissions; -reduction in the carbon intensity o f manufactured products; -increase in electricity production from renewable energy sources; -h ighe r energy efficiency; -increase o f reforestation areas. To ensure low-carbon development, a package of key documents has been prepared for the launch of green financing4, the concept of a "climate project" is introduced5, the need to ensure international cooperation and scientific validity, consistency and an integrated approach to limiting greenhouse gas emissions is declared. Projects in the field of ecotourism, greener transport infrastructure, hydrogen and gas engine transport, forestry and agricultural projects, etc. are considered as “climatic”. Thus, projects in the field o f adaptation to climate change and mitigating climate impacts are relevant for the Russian programme area. To develop and take appropriate adaptation measures, it may be advisable to organize monitoring of the climate change consequences in the programme area, develop local adaptation plans with the participation of the local population and consideration of traditional knowledge. To mitigate the impact on the climate system, it is advisable to carry out reforestation and reclamation o f disturbed lands. For better sustainability o f ecological tourism, new knowledge is needed about the buffer capacity o f the Arctic ecosystems, about eco-friendly approaches to organization o f tourists activities, and about solutions in the field of greener tourism infrastructure. Considering the green transition, projects to improve energy efficiency and use o f renewable energy sources are becoming highly relevant for the Programme area, including remote settlements. 1https://unfccc.int/process-and-meetings/the-paris-agreement/the-paris-agreement : http://govemment.ru/docs/37917/ ' https://www.economy.gov.ru/material/file/babacbb75d32d90e28d3298582d 13a75/proe kt_strategii.pdf 4https://www. economy, gov.ru/material/news/maksim_reshetnikov_minekonomrazvitiya _budet_privlekat_investicii_v_ekologiyu_i_zdorove_grazhdan_v_ramkah_esg.html Federal Law of 02.07.2021 No. 296-FZ on Limiting Greenhouse Gas Emissions http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/Document/View/000120210702003 l?index=19&rangeSize=l 24
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