Environmental report strategic environmental assessment of the Russian territory CBC Kolarctic 2021-2027 / V. A. Masloboev, E. M. Klyuchnikova, E. A. Borovichev [et al.]. - Apatity : FRS KSCRAS, 2022. - 62 p.
C H A P T E R 7. C L IM A T E CH A N G E Climate change is a global phenomenon causing various economic, social and environmental risks. Therefore, one of the global sustainable development goals1 is taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Climate change occurs much faster and more intense in the Arctic than in other parts of the world. According to Roshydromet2, air temperatures in the Arctic have been rising rapidly since the late 1990s; the area and thickness o f sea ice has decreased by 40 %. At the same time, the indicators describing extreme heat in winter continue to grow’, and it is predicted that the average winter temperature will be 4-5 °C higher in 10-15 years than at the end of the 20th century. Based on the projected climatic changes for the Russian programme area, the following risks have been identified4: - a n increase in the frequency o f catastrophic weather events, such as strong winds and precipitation, storms, ice, frequent freeze-thaw fluctuations (negative impact on public health, increased risks for transport, risk of infrastructure failures); -increasing degradation o f permafrost (risk o f infrastructure failures); -h ighe r likelihood of major spring floods, accelerated coastal erosion (life safety, destruction of municipal infrastructure); -changes in the time and duration of freeze-up on rivers and lakes (loss of winter roads, problems for reindeer migration); -long-term biodiversity stress (loss of habitats, replacement o f tundra vegetation by other species, penetration of invasive species, etc.); -th reats to public health (spread of new infectious pathogens, risk of more common cardiovascular disease with a sharp change in weather conditions, etc.); -risk of increased systemic (synergistic) impact of climate change and anthropogenic pressure on Arctic ecosystems. Adaptation of the Arctic economy and infrastructure to climate change, study and assessment of climate-related risks to public health are a strategic priority of national policies5 on climate change adaptation. The adaptation of the Russian Federation to climate change is related to the need to minimize the emerging complex risks, but also to the use of emerging favorable opportunities: productivity increase in agriculture and forestry, better accessibility of sea routes in the Arctic Ocean, the heating season length reduction. 'UN. Sustainable Development Goals, https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/ru' climate-change/ :Second assessment report Climate Change in the Russian Federatio nhttp://voeikovmgo.ru/ download/2014/od/resume_teh.pdf ’Annual reports on the state of the climate in the Russian Federation. http://climatechange.igce.ru/index.php?option=com_docman<emid=73&gid=27&lang=ru “Assessment of the macroeconomic consequences of climate change in the Russian Federation until 2030 and beyond, http://voeikovmgo.ru/download/publikacii/2011/Mokryk.pdf ’Decree ofthe President ofthe Russian Federation on the Strategy for the Development ofthe Arctic Zone and Ensuring National Security for the Period until 2035 http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/ Document/View/0001202010260033: Climate Doctrine of the Russian Federation, http://www.scrf.gov.ru' security/economic/documentl21: Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25. 2011 No. 730-r enacting a comprehensive plan for the implementation of the Climate Doctrine of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, https://www.garant.ru/products/ipo/prime/doc/2074495/ 23
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