Environmental report strategic environmental assessment of the Russian territory CBC Kolarctic 2021-2027 / V. A. Masloboev, E. M. Klyuchnikova, E. A. Borovichev [et al.]. - Apatity : FRS KSCRAS, 2022. - 62 p.

C H A P T E R 5. W A T E R Q U A L IT Y IN T H E R U S S IA N P R O G R A M M E A R E A The Russian programme area is characterized by an abundant supply o f both surface water and groundwater. There are significant reserves o f drinking, mineral and industrial (commercial) water in all three regions. The volume o f water withdrawn for household and industrial needs has been steadily decreasing in recent years1, which corresponds to the general trend in water use in Russia and the EU. The decrease in the volume of water withdrawal is explained by increased water use efficiency and the uptake of new resource-saving technologies. A distinctive feature of the Russian programme area is the low share of water used for agricultural needs2 (no more than 18 % of the total water consumption). This is a consequence of the relatively small area of farmland and the reduction of reclamation activities. The high levei o f industrialization and uneven distribution o f industrial facilities create additional risks that reduce the quality of drinking water. Specific pollutants of water bodies are metal compounds, nitrogen, sulfates and phosphates. It should be noted that there is a steady positive trend towards a reduction in the discharge of pollutants, as well as the local nature and unevenness of pollution in the Russian programme area. A higher level of surface water pollution is observed near larger communities, which is a consequence of the deterioration of water supply systems and facilities. In this regard, measures to upgrade housing and utilities, in particular, water treatment facilities, drainage and waste water systems require attention and coordination of efforts by regional authorities, utility companies and water management and protection organizations. The main body responsible for the integrated management and protection o f water bodies in the Russian programme area is the Dvina-Pechora Basin Water Administration o f the Federal Agency for Water Resources (hereinafter referred to as the Water Administration)3. The Water Administration is guided in its activities by the principles enshrined in the Water Code o f the Russian Federation4, in particular, the priority o f protecting water bodies over consuming their resources. The main activities o f the Water Administration are: -organization o f statistical observation and monitoring o f water bodies; -mon itoring o f hydraulic structures condition; -organization o f interagency cooperation for prompt response to flood events and prevention o f emergencies at water bodies; -carrying out flood control, riverbank protection measures and other types of activities. Climate change has led to an increase in the frequency of hazardous weather events throughout the Russian programme area. Murmansk Region, Arkhangelsk Region, and Nenets Autonomous District are classified as regions with a medium and high-risk level of emergencies associated with the negative impact of water-related disasters5. Such negative impact includes, for example, abnormal precipitation, seasonal and other floods, coastline erosion as a result of water level changes in rivers and on the seacoast. All these phenomena require careful study and forecasting in order to develop and implement measures to prevent emergency situations at water bodies. 1http://www.mnr.gov.ru/upload/iblock/0c7/2019_gosdoklad_voda2018_new_09122019.pdf 2 Ibid. P. 244 ’http://www.dpbvu.ru/ 4http://pravo.gov.ru 'proxy/ips/?docbody=&nd= 102107048 ''Government report “State and management ofwater resources in the Russian Federation in 2018” 20