Environmental report strategic environmental assessment of the Russian territory CBC Kolarctic 2021-2027 / V. A. Masloboev, E. M. Klyuchnikova, E. A. Borovichev [et al.]. - Apatity : FRS KSCRAS, 2022. - 62 p.

C H A P T E R 4. SO IL Q U A L ITY IN T H E RU SS IAN P R O G R A M M E A R EA The soils of the Russian programme area are mainly represented by podzolic, boggy, tundra and peat soils. A distinctive feature of the soils is slow soil formation, which takes place under conditions o f negative average annual temperatures, small populations o f soil microorganisms, high water logging and lack o f oxygen, increased acidity, which leads to rapid degradation o f soils as a whole. There is a reduction in the share of agricultural land throughout the Russian programme area. Decrease of reclamation and land-clearing works leads to degradation of farmlands, erosion and water logging. Reduction and degradation of fertile soils also occur in connection with improper tillage of fields, the use of fertilizers and the impact of industrial enterprises. Pesticides are not used in the Russian programme area1. The main sources of soil pollution in the Russian programme area are large enterprises working in mining and mineral processing2, oil and gas, logging industries, agriculture, transport, as well as industrial and domestic waste. The targeted programmes have been developed by the regions to decommission landfills for industrial and solid domestic waste, as well as to improve the sanitary and hygienic situation. Thus, the following is relevant for the Russian programme area: -study o f methods and uptake of measures for the sustainable management of soils, which can be achieved e.g. through construction o f reclamation systems; -development and implementation of technologies aimed at improving and maintaining the agrochemical properties of soils; -development and implementation of new technologies for the rehabilitation of disturbed lands, as well as economic mechanisms for the application there of. Another important area is monitoring of pollutants in agricultural lands, as well as monitoring the physical, mechanical and agrochemical properties of soils, including by the use o f digital technologies. A special attention is required to recycling and involvement of industrial and domestic waste in the economic circulation, reduction of the landfills’ number, decreasing waste volumes and territories of waste disposal sites. This requires the development and implementation o f technologies that ensure green growth based on the approaches of a circular economy and industrial symbiosis. ’Nesterkin M. G. The state of soil fertility in Murmansk Region / M. G. Nesterkin. N. N. Khludneva // Advances of Science and Technology in Agriculture. 2018. Vol. 32. no. 6. Pp. 10-14. DOl 10.24411/0235-2451-2018-10602. (In Russian). :Report on the state of the environment in Murmansk Region in 2020. https://gov- murman.ru/region/environmentstate/ 19