Environmental report strategic environmental assessment of the Russian territory CBC Kolarctic 2021-2027 / V. A. Masloboev, E. M. Klyuchnikova, E. A. Borovichev [et al.]. - Apatity : FRS KSCRAS, 2022. - 62 p.
To comply with the disclosure requirements in Russia and the EU, as well as being guided by the implementation principles of the Directive1, the strategic environmental assessment report is subject to discussion with general public and different categories of stakeholders in order to take into account their views and recommendations. Thus, the presented version of the Report is not final and is subject to further updates. 1.4. Synergy with the national strategies of the Kolarctic CBC countries for the period 2021-2027 The analysis o f the Programme synergy consists in comparing its policy objectives, Interreg specific objective and their corresponding specific objectives with relevant national strategies o f the countries participating in the Programme. The analysis results make it possible to assess the degree of their mutual complementarity, the presence o f common goals, objectives and current trends, as well as their joint potential impact in the programme area. The main documents for synergy analysis are: -programme documents, including selected Programme priorities and territorial analysis o f the participating countries: -comparative analysis of Arctic strategies o f the participating countries, prepared by the Managing Authority of the Programme; -E U 's integrated policy for the Arctic2; -Development strategy for the Arctic Zone o f the Russian Federation until 20353; -F in land Strategy for the Arctic Region 2013 4 and its updated version dated 26.09.20 165; -Norway Arctic Strategy 20176; -Sw ed en ’s Strategy for the Arctic Region 2020". Synergy between the Programme, national strategies and the EU strategy lies in common objectives (briefly8): 1. international cooperation in the Arctic; 2. sustainable socio-economic and environmental development in the Arctic; 3. environmental protection, climate change prevention and mitigation measures; 4. safe and secured Arctic environment. ‘Implementation on Directive 2001/42 on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment”: Foreword page 2. paragraph 1: The public must also be consulted on the draft plans and on the environmental assessment and their views must be taken into account.": Article 6 (5), paragraphs 7.18-7.20: Article 7 Consultation 2JOINT COMMUNICATION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL An integrated European Union policy for the Arctic 3http://www.kremlin.ru/acts/news/64274 4https://vnk.fi/documents/10616/1093242/J1613_Finland%E2%80%99s+Strategy+for+t he+Arctic+Region.pdf/cf80d586-895a-4a32-8582-435f60400fd2 5https://vnk.fi/documents/l 0616/334509/Arktisen+strategian+p%C3%A4ivitys+ENG.p df/7efd3ed 1-af83-4736-b80b-c00e26aebc05 bhttps://www.regieringen.no/contentassets/fad46fl)404el4b2a9b551ca7359c 1000/arctic- strategy.pdf https./Zw 'ww.government.se/information-material/2020/11/swedens-strategy-for-the-arctic- region-2020/#:~:text=Sweden's%20strategy%20for%20the%20Arctic%20region% 20presents°o 20the°o 20Govemment's% 20objectives. and% 20the% 20environment% 3B% 20polar% 20research% 3B Oven iew of Arctic strategies and policies o f the Kolarctic CBC countries and the EU (provided by the Managing Authority) 12
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