Borovichev E.A. Botanical excursion on the Northern Soroya. Hammerfest, 2014.
Lichens o f grazed habitats and along trail ways Here macrolichens are trampled and eaten by reindeers and sheep, but surprisingly it leads to increasing lichens biodiversity in general. Fast-growing fruticose and foiiose lichens readily recover the areas after moderate trampling and scattering their pieces around. In open patches o f soil between tufts o f grass, pioneer lichens settle very nicely. Cladonia uncialis was chewed almost completely, but Stereocaulon čondensatum is afrequent pioneer after afew years it will recover again species ofrecently disturbed soil Peltigera aphthosa: the upper (light-green, with apothecia) and lower (with black rhizines) sides ofthe thallus 101
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