Borovichev E.A. Botanical excursion on the Northern Soroya. Hammerfest, 2014.

Lichens in tundra Habitats in the upper part o f the alpine zone are cold in summer and snow-free in winter. Here is the “lichens paradise”, where lichens can dominate in the plant cover, and their diversity is much higher compared to vascular plants. Though most lichens are known to grow very slowly, some Cladonia and Flavocetraria species can increase in size up to I cm per year. Cladonia, Cetraria and Stereocaulon species are among the most favorable lichens in reindeer’ winter ration. Solorina crocea on deflatedsoil. It has orange underneath and various colors (from light-green to olive-brown) on the upper surface Thamnolia vermiculdris looks like 'spaghetti'for reindeers Ochrolechiafrigida often grows on mosses and on alive or dead twigs 99