Borovichev E.A. Botanical excursion on the Northern Soroya. Hammerfest, 2014.

Mountain Pincushion (Hymenoloma crispulum) is wider known under the name Dicranoweisia crispula. Itforms green to dark green cushions to 3 cm tall. The moss usually occurs in relatively exposed sites and is tolerant to a variety o frock chemistry, bat is mostfrequent on at least moderately Ca-rich rocks common liverwort or umbrella liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha) as an example o f thallose liverwort, but among them, Marchantia is not very typical. Bryophytes (including liverworts) occupy an important ecological niche. Like other green plants, they convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and carbon compounds by the process o f photosynthesis. Many bryophytes serve as soil stabilizers in disturbed sites or as depository for germination of higher plants. Because o f their small size and relative infrequency, the mosses and liverworts tend to be less known, even by knowledgeable biologist, than the larger plants. For those who want to seek them out with help o f a powerful hand lens, they hold many surprises. Their complexity, diversity and beauty make them fascinating objects o f study. On the Sareya Island mosses and liverworts can be found in various habitats: on exposed cliffs and rocks, along stream banks,in bogs and swamp, in tundra and even along roadside ditches or in your own garden. They largely reflect the microscale environmental conditions, especially microclimate, soil development and chemical composition o f the substrata. A large portion o f the alpine zone on S 0 reya Island is occupied by extensive bare Juniper Haircap (Polytrichumjuniperimm) is a small fir-like moss, which is abundant in dry and snow-free habitats, frequently as a pioneer on burntplaces and disturbedsoils in alpine and subalpine zones 81