Боровичев Е.А. Мохообразные заповедника "Пасвик". Петрозаводск, 2018.
Виды, внесенные в Красную книгу Мурманской области (2014), обозначены ККМО, Красную книгу Российской Федерации (2008) - ККРФ, Красную книгу мохообразных Европы (Red Data Book of European Bryophytes, 1995) - RDBEB с указанием охранного статуса. Распространение редких видов мохообразных показано на картосхе мах (рис. 2 , 3 / Figs. 2,3). В списке фамилии коллекторов приводятся в сокращенном виде: М. А. Бойчук - М.Б.; Е. А. Боровичев - Е.Б., А. В. Кравченко - А.К., О. J1. Кузнецов - O.K., А. В. Поликарпова - А.П.; В. А. Костина - В.К.; Г. П. Урбанавичюс - Г.У. * ❖ * The annotated list of bryophyte species from Pasvik Reserve and its vicinity is based largely on the authors’own collections, samples collected by other specialists and identified by the authors, herbaria and literature. The study area is divided into two parts: I - Reserve, II - Reserve’s vicinity (Korablekk Nature Park). Places of bryophyte collecting are indicated by Arabic numbers (Fig. 1). Places o f bryophyte collecting. I - Pasvik Reserve: 1 - mire of "Menikka", 2 - the bank of the Menikkajoki River, 3 - vicinity of the Skugfoss hydropower station, 4 - vicinity of Glukhaya Plotina area, the source of the Menikkajoki River, 5 - hills in the vicinity of Glukhaya Plotina area, 6 - Northern shore of the Lake, 7 - vicinity of Latvala area, 8 - Eastern shore of Bossoyavre Lake, Tahkoniemi Cape, 9 - South west shore of Bossoyavre Lake, 10 - bank of the Paz River opposite the Brennholmen Island and Nivasaari Island, 11 - Northern part of the Kalkupya Mt., 12 - North-west part of the Kalkupya Mt., 13 - Western part of the Kalkupya Mt., 14 - Eastern part of the Kalkupya Mt., 15 - North-west shore of Kaskamayarvi Lake, 16 - the bank of the Paz River opposite Chevessulo Island, 17 - bank of the Paz River opposite Jordanfoss, 18 - Eastern shore Heyuhenyarvi Lake, 19 - Varlama Island; II - Reserve’s vicinity (Korablekk Nature Park): 20 - vicinity of Laukkuyarvi Lake and Laukkujoki River, 21 - Kaskama Mt., 22 - vicinity of Niliyarvi Lake, 23 - Korablekk Mt., 24 - Kuroaiv Mt. Distribution of rare bryophytes are shown on map-schemes (Figs. 2,3). An anno tated list of liverwort species was compiled by E. A. Borovichev and th a t of mosses by M. A. Boychuk. 23
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