Боровичев Е.А. Мохообразные заповедника "Пасвик". Петрозаводск, 2018.
Haplomitrium hookeri, Lophozia ascendens, Nardia japonica, Pseudolophozia debiliformis, mosses - Tayloria splachnoides). Three liverworts ( Haplomitrium hookeri, Nardia breidleri and Oleolophozia perssonii) and one moss ( Tetrodontium repandum) are included in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation (2008). Twenty species are protected in the Murmansk Region (Red Data Book..., 2014): three species ( Calycularia laxa, Oleolophozia perssonii, Tayloria splachnoides ) are vulnerable, 14 ( Barbilophozia rubescens, Clevea hyalina, Crossocalyx hellerianus, Haplomitrium hookeri, Lophozia ascendens, Mesoptychia badensis, Metzgeria furcata, Scapania apiculata, S. umbrosa, Bryum cyclophyllum, Buxbaumia aphylla, Encalypta streptocarpa, Psilopilum laevigatum, Tetrodontium repandum) are rare in the Region, for Mannia pilosa and Tayloria serrata the data are deficient, and one species (.Nardia breidleri) has a special status being included in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation (2008) but not rare in the Murmansk Region. The main findings of protected species are concentrated in the northern part (vicinity of the Glukhaya Plotina area) and middle part (bank of the Paz River opposite the Brennholmen Island and Nivasaari Island, western slope of Kalkupya Mt) of the Pasvik Reserve. There are fourteen (from 20) protected species of bryophytes. 24 liverwort species and 106 species of mosses have been found in the vicinity of the Pasvik Reserve (Korablekk Nature Park). Five species (.Dicranum groenlandicum, Grimmia incurva, Schistidium submuticum, Sphagnum annulatum, Stereodon bambergeri) are no t recorded in the Pasvik Reserve. To obtain a more complete composition of the bryophyte flora of the Park, it is necessary to continue the bryological and hepaticological investigations.
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