Бодрова, О. А. В поисках отражения: саамы Кольского Севера в русской этнографической литературе второй половины XIX - начала XX вв. : [монография] / О. А. Бодрова ; Рос. акад. наук, Кол. науч. центр, Центр гуманитар. проблем Баренц региона. - Апатиты : Изд-во Кольского научного центра РАН, 2014. – 168 с.

Published by decision of the Presidium o f the Kola Science Centre Russian Academy of Sciences UDC 39( = 511.12)(470.21) ISBN 978-5-91137-291-0 O.A. Bodrova In search o f reflex: the Kola Sami in the Russian ethnographical literature o f the second half o f the 19th - beginning o f the 20th centuries. - Apatity: Publ. KSC RAS, 2014. - 168 p. A cross-disciplinary research combining ethnographical, philological and historical aspects is undertaken. The formation of the Kola Sami image in the Russian ethnograpliical literature of the second half of the 19fll - beginning of the 20th centuries is studied. Widely and little-known ethnographical sources are investigated using comparative-typological structure- functional, semiotic, and philological methods. Stereotypes and stock phrases of description of the Sami ethnography being replicated in the mass culture are found out, as also problems of intertextuality of the sources. Specifics of the ethnic image of the Sami people in the ethnographical literature of this historic period are systematized. The work can be used by experts of the humanities: historians, ethnographists, philologs. teachers and students of social sciences, it is intended for all who are interested in the Kola Sami culture and travel sketch genre. Editor in Chief: I.A. Razumova, Dr.Sci. (History) Reviewers: T.G. Ivanova, Dr.Sci. (Philology); O.V. Shabalina, PhD (History) frontispiece painting by I.V. Bel'kov (from resources of the Museum- Archive of the European Russian North studying and exploration o f the BCH KSC RAS) ' ISBN 978-5-91137-291-0 © Bodrova O.A., 2014 © Barents Center o f Humanities KSC RAS, 2014 © Kola Science Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2014