Кировск : страницы истории : [75-летию г. Кировска посвящается] / [авт.-сост. : В. Э. Берлин, Т. Е. Королева ; пер. Р. А. Кравченко-Бережной ; фот. : С. Смолин и др.]. - Кировск : [б. и.], 2006. - 175, [1] с. : ил.

Everybody who gets to Kirovsk for the first time, submits at once to solemn and completely unique beauty of the mountain hollow, where the city is located. The dark, bluish-black Big Wudjavr Lake is bordered with a semiring of dark grey, almost black mountain tops; each of them gives rise to one of six radial ridges: Vudjavr-chorr, Takhtarvum-chorr, Poachvum-chorr, Kukisvum-chorr, Yukspor and Aikuaiven-chorr (Chorr in Saamy language - a ridge). 7