Белоус, Е. В. Не о любви. Rondom play / Екатерина Белоус. - Мурманск : Рекламная полиграфия, 2003. - 55, [1] с. : ил.

Cursed are the good - their time has passed; Cursed are the beautiful - they are harassed; But the bad and ugly Are sitting pretty snugly. *** Kiss, kiss, kiss It is usually like this: First you kiss and then you neck and then there’s no coming back. Limericks 1 There were two gentlemen from Whatever Who couldn’t be seen but together. When asked, ‘Are you friends?’ They replied, "It depends”, Those mysterious chaps from Whatever. 2 There was an incredible lad Who couldn’t lie still in his bed. When getting asleep He started to weep, Repeating, "I feel I am dead”. 3 There was a young gentleman of Fife Who eagerly danced with his wife. When he stamped on her foot, She exclaimed, “What a brute! Oh! Your toe nails are sharper than knife!” *** I’m definitely strange And will not ever change. 51