Белоус, Е. В. Не о любви. Rondom play / Екатерина Белоус. - Мурманск : Рекламная полиграфия, 2003. - 55, [1] с. : ил.

Every day you should wash and brush up your hair And treat Him with Love and Ultimate Care. Never forget to kiss him and touch, Feed him till he's full up, but not overmuch. And don’t you scold you or call him so wicked For childish addiction to hockey or cricket. And don’t you dare to mention the names Of his former wives or his old flames. So let him discover, and let him explore, Praise his smallest achievements and don't call him a bore. And, bearing in mind the things that I’ve said, NEVER wash off your makeup when going to bed. Keep often repeating he’s handsome and bright And never forget to kiss him good-night. *** What is schizophrenia? One can never know. How does it look like? How does it grow? I’ve known so many people, But how can you explain The fact that only one-tenth Are completely sane? You see a business-lady Who’s popular and nice, But what if she - in private - Eats roasted bats and mice? 48