Бажанов, А. Стихи и поэмы о саамском крае = Verses & poems on the Saami land / Аскольд Бажанов ; English translation by Naomi Caffee ; with an essay by Johanna Domokos. - Berlin : Nordeuropa-Institut der Humboldt-Universitat, 2009. - 205 с. : ил., портр.

119 April On an April morning it’s good to extend your hand to the sun. And, after hanging your jacket on the spruce, to run along the crunching ice crust. You are not connected, not to the road where Kamaz trucks pollute all day, not to the treacherous snowbank - under your feet there’s only ice crust! I subjugate my own desires to the luck o f my chosen path. And I w ill master any distance like a chant.