Бажанов, А. Стихи и поэмы о саамском крае = Verses & poems on the Saami land / Аскольд Бажанов ; English translation by Naomi Caffee ; with an essay by Johanna Domokos. - Berlin : Nordeuropa-Institut der Humboldt-Universitat, 2009. - 205 с. : ил., портр.

1 1 7 Autumn beyond the Arctic Circle The sky of late autumn is tamed by the ravenous wind. More rarely the sun in the bright azure sky peers at us through the window. More often the elusive sadness flies through in the form o f a dead leaf. Rain has washed the Khibiny’s back, and winter is on its way in earnest! Rivulets, feeling overcrowded, in the middle o f stony shores. A bull-trout flickers, just like lightening, over the foamy crest o f a wave. At least it was light and festive for the mountains, those wise witnesses of the Ages! They stand... well, just like first-grade girls in tight pinafores of snow!!!