Православие и лютеранство в приграничных районах Европейского Севера России (1900-1940-е гг.) Международные отношения на Севере Европы и Баренц-регион. 2008, с.79-86.

a residence o f the defenders from allied army during the struggle against Finland and Bolshevism in 1918—1919”.10 On August, 14th, 1920 Yurjevsky (Derptsky) peace treaty was signed by the Soviet Russia and Finland which resuted in referring o f Pechenga to the Finnish republic. Finns arrived in Pechenga on February, 14th, 1921. Russians left it the day before, requisited monastic property several months earlier. From Kirkenes on December, 5th, 1920 telegrahed, that a group of monks from Trifono-Pechengsky monastery arrived there, “...run to Norway because of Bolsheviks’ prosecution. The majority o f monks were over 40. They told that Bolsheviks would mobilize all man's population o f that territory, forcing them to enter the red army without shooting. Pechegsky monastery became a place o f a blood drama”." According to the telegram from Murmansk store department on February, 7th, 1921 requisitioned property from tehe monastery was taken out on vessel “Kolguev” . Properties o f a monastery from Devkina backwater (a house, a barn, a bath, three ships, nets, flanks, etc.) were transferred to Belomor-Murmansk administration on hunting and fishery.12 After 1917, when Finland gained independence, life o f the Orthodoxy parishes and monasteries situated on its territory turned to be very difficult. All Russian names have been replaced by Finnish, and Pechengskaya volost got a new name o f Petsamo - a new administrative and managment center o f Finland. In July, 1921 president Stolberg visited Pechenga. After a grand reception and a pray, monks shared with him their fears. The president calmed them down, saying that further activity o f the monastery would be realized under the legal protection o f Finland. However, on the 30th o f December, 1921 Finland State Council made a decision about transfering property from Trifono-Pechengsky monastery to Finland. According to the opinion o f Governor I.Helenius, it was quite a legal action as earlier this property belonged to the Russian empire, and now should belong to a new State where Pechenga was situated. Only 10 per cent o f its land stayed in monks’ property. The Christmas Church in Pechenga (Petsamo) was proselyted into Lutheran church. The monastery still had a right for making services on an Orthodox ceremony only twice a year: in December, in honour to victims o f St.-Troitsky Pechengsky monastery destruction by Swedes in 1589, and on February, the 1st - in honour to Saint Trifon. Almost all constructions o f the Lower part o f the monastery were made by Finns. The monastery should apply sanctions for renovations of a board on their own. Finns from Lutheran church have taken the Christmas Church for their own needs, 10Известия Архангельского Совета рабочих и солдатских депутатов,- 1918,- 26 марта,- С.З; Мацак В. Печенга-Петсамо-Печенга // Печенга,- 1996,- 2 марта.- С.2; ГАМО.- Ф. 87-И,- Оп. 1.-Д. 31.-Л. 28. Валентинов А. Черная книга. “Штурм небес” // Волга.- 1991.- № 5.- С.117. Государственный архив Архангельской области (ГААО).- Ф. 215.- On. 1.- Д. 23.- Л. 67-75; Мацак В. Печенга-Петсамо-Печенга// Печенга.- 1996.- 2 марта.- С.2. 83