Бардилева, Ю. П. Православие в финском обществе / Ю. П. Бардилева // Вестн. "Баренц-центра" МГПИ. - 2002. - № 3. - С. 90-100.

27 LaitHa Teuvo. Indicated work. — P. 233, 234. 28 КожановА. А., Яловииына С. Э. Этносоциологическое обследование финского на­ селения Карелии: основные задачи и первые результаты / / Финны в России: история, культура, судьбы: Сб. науч. статей.— Петрозаводск, 1998. — С. 169, 170. SUMMARY This article is devoted to the problems o f Orthodoxy and Orthodox believers in the Finnish society during the whole history of the relations between Russia and Finland from the IX century and up to the XX century. The author o f this article analysis the reasons and consequences of dissemination of the Orthodox faith among the Finns, difficulties in the relations between Finnish Lutheran and Russian Orthodox Churches, on the one hand, and between the authorities of Russian State and the Lutheran population of Ingermanland, Karelia, the Kola North —on the other hand; the question of the state guarantees to the Orthodox believers and their Churches (under the jurisdictions of the Constantinople's patriarchate and the Moscow's patriarchate) in the modern Finland is also studied. The article is completed by the results of the sociological opinion poll (1996), which was conducted among the Finnish inhabitants of Karelia (Russia) for the elucidation of their attitude to the Orthodoxy and to the Lutheranism.