Российский Север и Северная Европа: сборник избранных статей за 1992-2012 годы / под ред. О. А. Андреева и В. Раутио. – Санкт-Петербург ; Мурманск ; Хельсинки : ИРИСБУК, 2013. – 256 с.

Abstract This volum e includes co-authored articles dealing with socio-econom ic questions in tlie Russian Nortli and N orthem Europe in thc period o f 1992-2012. A rticles are produced in num erous research projects funded by thc E uropean Union as well as A cadem y o f Finland, U niversities o f Eastern Finland, Helsinki and Turku (Pan-E uropcan Institute) (in Finland), Universities o f Uincft, Stockholm and Sw edish Inslitute (in Sw eden), B arents Secretariat (in Norw ay), N ordic C ouncil o f M inisters, G reenland Statistics and R oskilde University (in Denm ark), Saint-P etersburg State University, M urm ansk Institute o f Hum anities and Baltic Institute o f E cology, Politics and Law (in Russia). O riginal articles are published in various international academ ic volum es and joum als. T he articles are translated, edited and updated by the cditors O leg A ndreev and V esa R autio in 2012-13. Contents 1. Fortescue Stephen, R autio Vesa. Is N orilsk Nickel a G lobal C om pany?............................. p.5 2. A ndrcev O .A ., R autio V ., Tykkylainen M. E conom ic C o-operation betw een Russia and Finland in 1990-2000: C hallenges and Factors o f the D evelopm ent..........................................p.23 3. Tykkylainen М ., A ndreev O.A. T heories for R egional D evelopm ent..................................p.45 4. R autio V esa, A ndreev O leg. T heories for R egional R esource D evelopm ent....................p.56 5. R autio Vesa, K osonen Riitta, Andreev O leg. W estem B ased T heories fo r the T ransition o f Soviet E nterprises to the M arket E conom y............................................................................ p.67 6. A ndreev O .A ., R autio Vesa, Round John, T ykkylainen M arkku. M urm ansk and Magadan Oblasts: Econom ic D evelopm ent o f the R em ote R esource R egions.......................................... p .8 1 7. M yllyla Y rjo, A ndreev O leg, R autio Vesa. D evelopm ent o f the N orth-W est Russia: In- dustrial, Social and Logistical D evelopm ents in M urm ansk O blast Evaluated by Delplii m etho d.................................................................................................................................................................p.91 8. M yllyla Y rjo, R autio Vesa, A ndreev O leg. Future Scenarios for M urm ansk Oblast: W here are the H ubs and Gatevvays o f D evelopm ent......................................................................................р. 105 9. T ykkylainen M arkku, A ndreev O leg, R autio Vesa. Energy R esources and Produetion in R ussia............................................................................................................................................................... p.127 10. Tykkylainen M arkku, R autio Vesa, A ndreev Oleg. Boom ing E nergy S e c to ra n d Reform s o f tlie Russian N o rth ...................................................................................................................................р. 155 1 I. T ykkylainen M arkku, A ndreev O leg, Pjankova Jana. Industrial R estructuring and the D ynam ics o f L abor M arkets in Rural F inland...................................................................................p. 170 12. L ehtonen O lli, T ykkylainen M arkku, A ndreev Oleg. Finnish F oiest Energy Sector: Pro- duction o f the E nergy from Forest R esidues........................................................................... р. 184 13. A ndreev O., Rautio V., Spies M. Norvvegian Oil and Gas Industry.................................p.192 14. A ndreev Oleg, Spies M attias, Rautio Vesa. Norlh or E ast? G erm any’s C rude Oil and Gas supply from N orw ay and R ussia................................................................................................... p.204 15. Andreev O.A. Political Parties and Political System s............................................................ p .2 12 16. A ndreev О., A., O lsson M.-O. Russian N orthw est N ature Protections O rganiza- tio n s...............................................................................................................................................................p.232 4