Адров, Н. М. Трансформация водных масс системы Гольфстрима / Н. М. Адров ; Рос. акад. наук, Кол. науч. центр, Мурм. мор. биол. ин-т ; ред. Г. Г. Матишов. - Апатиты : КНЦ РАН, 1993. - 173 с. : ил.
Printed by Presidium resolution of Kola Scieuce Center of Russian Academy of Sciences UDK 551.46 Water masses transformation of the Gulf Stream system. Adrov N.M. Apatity, 1992 The reasons of ocean waters circulation on the basis of working principles of. the ocean-atmosphere machine are discussed. Methodological propositions of investigations of changes in physical and physical and chemical properties of water particles during their transference from the tropical band of the North Atlantic to the Polar. Zone of the Arctic Ocean are described on the example of one of the most extended systems of off-shore ocean circulation - the Gulf Stream system. The ways of estimation of advective and convective components of water masses circulation with the use of thermohaline and thermooxygen diagrams are proposed. For specialists interested in non-traditional ideas on connection of water circulation with a mechanism of interrelation between the ocean and atmosphere. F i g . - 84, Tab 1.--18, ВІЫ.-127. R e v i e w e r s : L.G.Pavlova, V.D.Boitsov
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