Адров, Н. М. Атлас водных масс Баренцева моря. В 3 ч. Ч. 3. Классификация по принадлежности к глобальным системам циркуляции / Н. М. Адров, А. Н. Колпачников, В. П. Слободин ; Рос. акад наук, Кол. науч. центр, Мурм. мор. биол. ин-т. - Апатиты : КНЦ РАН, 1993. - Препр. - 54 с. : ил.

CONTENTS Water masses maps in January and February .............. Water masses maps in March and April ................... Water masses maps in May and June ....................... Water masses maps in July and August ................... Water masses maps in September and October ............ Water masses maps in November and D e c e m b e r ......... — Tables of seasons identification by January and July data ....................................................... Tables of seasons identification by February and August d a t a ....................................................... Tables of seasons identification by March and September d a t a ....................................................... Tables of seasons identification by December and June data ......................................................