Поморские козули/ [авт.-сост. О. Евтюкова, Л. Костюкович] ; Мурм. обл. центр худож. ремесел. – Мурманск : [б. и.], 1994. - [57] с. : ил. - (Народное искусство Кольского полуострова).

POMOR KOZOOLS are miniature figures of animals made of unleavened rye dougn. They were traditional to bake on Christmas in pomor villages on the Terskiy Coast (the name of the Southern coast) of the Kola Peninsula from the 12 th century. People used to give them to each other for goodwill wisheson the holiday of Kolyada. By an aged belief of pomors kozools bring the host and the household good health, long life, love, abundance, success in work, wormth and luck. A deer symbolizes life. It was associated with most cordial feelengs. A one — horned deer means spring and friendly relations. A two — horned deer whose antlers join each other to make a ring — is a sun — deer. A three — horned deer is an elk. Cows and rams were considered to protect the home and to bring the household wealth. A grey hen and a duck were given together with wishes of prosperity and happiness in family. A grey hen accompanied by some fledgelings symbolizes motherhood. Heavy dough (rye floor, salt, water), a khife and a pair of skilful hands — that’s all what needed for making kozools.