Воленс, Н. В. Колонисты Мурмана и их хозяйство : материалы статистико-экономического исследования 1921-1922 гг. – Москва : [б. и.], 1926. - 111, [1] с., [1] отд. л. Карт. : табл. - (Труды Научно-Исследовательского Института по изучению Севера (б. Северная Научно-Промысловая Экспедиция); Вып. 28).

— 71 — to hook the fish. The first mode is more effectful and asking less labour, but it needs lure (minute fish); therefore, though it is gene ra lly p r e ­ vailing in Murman, one must apply to the second mode when minute fish for lure is lacking. Th e be s t takes of cod-fish and its variety ,,piksha“, caught by the same tools, occur at a distance of several tens of versts from h a ­ bitation, and as the catch is to be expected for 12 hours or more, the quality and size of boats used for cod-fishing are of g rea t importance. The first place in supplying the Murman colonists with fishing boats belongs to Norway bu t during and since wa r Russian boats begin to prevail. Before wa r the total catch of cod made up about 350 pood per economy. Of o ther fisheries is wo rth mentioning the generally distrib u ted salmon-fishing and herring-fish ing in the bays of the Kola-fjord.