Воленс, Н. В. Колонисты Мурмана и их хозяйство : материалы статистико-экономического исследования 1921-1922 гг. – Москва : [б. и.], 1926. - 111, [1] с., [1] отд. л. Карт. : табл. - (Труды Научно-Исследовательского Института по изучению Севера (б. Северная Научно-Промысловая Экспедиция); Вып. 28).

COLONISTS OF MURMAN AND THEIR ECONOMY. (Materials of statistic and economic investigations in 1921—22). B y N. Volens. A b s t r a c t . The p resen t wo rk is the resu lt of a census of the settled p o p u ­ lation in Murman, performed in 1921 - 22, by economies. T h e regu lar population of Murman began to settle there no t long ago, abou t a century. Th e density of population and its number are up to the p resen t time very low, though increasing during the latter d e ­ cades ra the r quickly, especially in the easte rn Murman. The numerically prevailing nationality some 20 yea rs ago we r e Finns, whereas the increa­ sing colonisation ol Murman by the Russians, and on the other hand the r e tr ea t of F inns beyond the boundaries of Fin land pushed forward the russian nationality. As to their culture and instruction, the Russian colonists in Murman are considerably inferior to other nationalities which inhabit her, though the russian region is making a ra the r good progress, whe reas emigrants from o t h e r regions of higher culture show a certain regress. Th e size of settlements as to numbe r of economies is insignifi­ cant and there is no communication b e tween them safe waterways. During w in te r months most of the Murman settlemen ts are cut off from the wo rld on account of storms. Th e economic activity of the popu lation consists in rural eco ­ nomy and in different sea and river trades. T h e rural economy bea rs a na tu ra l character, the sale of its p roduc ts (dairy) being observed exceedingly seldom. Agriculture (provided manuring of meadows is no t considered as such) exists in Murman but in the form of a few kitchen-gard'ens. Mainly po tatoes are grown; the crop being eventually sufficient for 1 —2 months, and the practical value of k itchengardens is so far minimal. On the contrary, the cattle-breeding is of g rea t importance for the economy of Murman, especially milk-cattle. Th e life conditions in Murman are such, that only cows guaran tee to the membe rs of an eco ­