Allemann, L. The sami of the Kola Peninsula : about the life of an ethnic minority in the Soviet Union / Lukas Allemann ; [transl. by Michael Lomax]. - Rovaniemi : University of Lapland Printing Centre, 2013. - 151 p. : ill., map, portr. ; 25 см. - (Senter for samiske studier, Skriftserie ; 19).

The Sami of the Kola Peninsula 2.3.1 Interviewee recruitment As mentioned above, for the basic interviews, the circle of potential interviewees was defined quite broadly. In addition to the requirement that the interviewee should view himself at least partly as a Sami, the following criteria were applied: Age: Since the main period under investigation was rather broad, the age re­ quirements were not particularly strict. The criterion was thus established that the interviewee must in any event be retired. Gender: This played no role from the outset. As already mentioned in a footnote, it is more due to accident that only women were interviewed. The men asked to give interviews were all unavailable locally at the time of my research. It is no coincidence, however, among those eligible under the age criteria, the proportion of women is much higher than that of men, given the massively lower life expectancy of Sami men. Education and professional background: No specific limits were set here, other than that the person should not belong to an elite - in the sense described in Chapter 2.2. Location: Since the present work does not concern itself with the fate of the Sami who have permanently emigrated from the Kola Peninsula, an essential criterion was that interviewees should have spent most of their lives on the Kola Peninsula. The contacts with the interviewees were prepared by Ms Anna Prahova, a Sami who lives in Murmansk, teaches at the Pedagogical University there and is active in various social institutions. In order not to discourage potential interlocutors, it made sense that a person known to them (Ms Prahova) rather than an unknown foreign historian make the first approach concerning the project. After Anna Prahova had sounded out potential contacts, a list was compiled of persons who met the selection criteria and were willing to be interviewed. With whom the meetings actually took place was ultimately decided by chance: my stay in Murmansk and Lovozero was rather short, so whom I met also depended on the current availability of the persons in question. Senterfor samiske studier, Skriftserie nr. 19 27