Allemann, L. The sami of the Kola Peninsula : about the life of an ethnic minority in the Soviet Union / Lukas Allemann ; [transl. by Michael Lomax]. - Rovaniemi : University of Lapland Printing Centre, 2013. - 151 p. : ill., map, portr. ; 25 см. - (Senter for samiske studier, Skriftserie ; 19).

Lukas Allemann Noiriel (2002) uses the term "narrativity" for the tendency towards approaches that give preference to the study of individuals .29 To the notion of literary-narrative histo­ riography Noiriel opposes so-called 'scientific' historiography .30 The term 'scientific' in this context does not seem particularly well chosen, but it is clear from the follow­ ing table what Noiriel means by it: Conceptualisation o f the task o f the historian 'Scientific' 'Literary' ['narrative'] Central questions o f historiography People's life environments People in life worlds Importan t influences Sociology, demography, economics Anthropology, psychology Object o f investigation Social groups Individuals Models for explaining historical change Stratified and mono-causal Coherent and multi-causal Procedure Group quantification Individual examples Method Analytic Descriptive This does not mean that we are no longer interested in enquiry into the generalities of history. It has, however, been shown that approaches that rely too heavily on quantitative methods often fail to adequately uncover hidden causalities. The fact that, however, qualitative studies too can have a representative value will be shown in the course of this chapter. Cultural history and anthropology-influenced history have gained weight, thereby also giving an impetus to social and everyday history .31 I t is in particular the history of marginalized groups that comes in this way more into historians' sights. This can happen, however, only by using 'alternative' sources, such as letters, diaries, photos and films, or else narrative interviews. 2.2 The life story interview as historical source "One of the most important innovations in the science of history, which can sig­ nificantly contribute to the realization of such social history, is the biographical interview." 32 29 Noiriel 2002, 356. 30 Noiriel 2002, 356 (quotation and following table). 31 See here also: Schulze 1992, especially 422. 32Gerbel/Sieder 1988, 190f. Senterfor samiske studier, Skriftserie nr. 19 12